Spending Smarts A Montreal Stuent's Survival Guide
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Please take my money?
We have a philosophical objection to paying someone to hold our money. Shouldn't they be paying us? But there are distinct disadvantages to storing your money in a mattress, so I guess we'd better make the best of it.
     Your choice of bank may depend on a lot of factors: the locations of branches and ABMs, your history with the the banks, your needs, and their costs. Avoid using those generic ABMs that charge huge fees to give you your own money. Even using ABMs from other institutions will probably cost you three bucks.

Give a student a hand... or a discount
All the major banks offer discounted plans for students, with varying services and eligibility requirements. And now, five of the major Canadian Banks offer students free banking! Check out the locations, offerings and eligibility requirements and choose the one that's best for you,

Savings: Starting from zero...

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